Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hey friends!

I am sorry for the absence of attention to this site lately. I have been so busy with mid-terms and enjoying the simplicity of life that I forget about things like technology, which I think is often a good thing. 

I have done some fun things lately that I'd love to share with ya but really need to get to sleep. I have a mid-term in my Persuasion class tomorrow, which I'd like to mention is a freakin' sweet class and I'm learning persuasion tactics so just know that the next time I come after you with an idea or a thought, I might be tossing those theories your way! But seriously, 7:30am comes fast in Hendricks Hall so goodnight! 


Ps: if you came to Time Out tonight... thanks for singing along!

Pss: I'm going on a road trip tomorrow that I've been looking forward to for months but you'll have to read my next blog to find out all about it!! Hint: I was there semi recently and I have blogged about it before. 

Oh! And before I go... I was studying at the Living Room the other day and when I came out to my car, the temp gage read 104! How crazy! In October? Really?

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