Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Everyone Gets Hungry.

If you discovered this blog through Point Loma Nazarene University's Admissions website because you were interested in what it looks like to be a PLNU student through the eyes of one, than this blog entry is for YOU. The other day I answered a few questions for a friend about student ministries on campus and because I put so much emphasis on answering them well, I felt it was appropriate to utilize them in my blog seeing that this is a Point Loma sponsered ministry and that I'm stoked to share that I'm co-lead it next year as well.

Here is a break down of a homeless ministry I serve on once a week:

What is the Bread of Life?
- A student lead ministry at PLNU that meets every Tuesday night to drive downtown and serve the homeless through the giving of food, clothing, and engaging in conversation.

What did you do while there?
- I drive the 15 passenger van and serve at the Salvation Army after I drop off half of the group on the streets. At the Salvation Army, I help carry the food in, prepare the drinks, serve the food, refill drinks, and sometimes pass out the clothing. At the end, we usually pray all together, debrief, and head back to campus.

What is a particular meeting/time that has impacted you greatly?
- There was one night in particular that I remember left an impact on me and it occurred in a way that I had not necessarily planned for. After dropping of half of the group at the Salvation Army, I decided to join the group that passes out sack lunches on the streets because it seemed like they needed a bit more help that night. As time passed by, I meet some really interesting people who shared stories that you only hear on the streets. It was coming close to the end as we only had one lunch left to pass out. We were struggling to find one last person trusting our faithful leader Doug as he directed us from street corner to street corner in search for this one last empty stomach. We were growing restless and started heading back toward the van when I peered across the street and saw a blurry figure in a dark alley and motion the group to head toward it in case we could finish handing out our last lunch bag. It ended up people a very lonely and scared homeless man who was trembling in fear and confusion as we began to introduce ourselves and offer support and comfort to him. He began to share how he was in a state of deciding whether or not to jump off the Coronado bridge that night. He admitted to losing his mind and feeling empty and worthless. We prayed for his thoughts, improvement on his battered physical body, and that God would begin to work in his heard bringing him a hope and confidence as a beloved son of God. This experience was one that I will never forget because it revealed the power of placing yourself in a position to encounter people who are desperate for a smile, encouragement, and hope for another day. I might never see that man named Hal ever again but our hope is that God is in the midst of all that we do and he was at work that night.

Did it change your way of thinking?
- Yes, my heart has grown to help those who lack simple needs and who are longing to be heard.

Why is it important for college students to be apart of ministries such as this one?
- These ministries will shape you into one who is able to see the pain and the heartache that exists in this fallen world while recognizing the promise of finding peace and hope in the risen Christ Jesus. Because of this, we become more grateful for the simple blessings we have of shelter, food, transportation, education, relationships, family, etc. I am humbled every time I participate in this ministry.

What can PLNU as a whole do to help?
- Free yourself of any other burden one night a week and simply be present at these gatherings. You never know what God might do in your heart. If this is unattainable, we always enjoy clothing donations.

Thanks for reading into one area of my life!

Have you have a great May day,

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