Tuesday, June 24, 2008

"wake up, wake up, come on let's go!"

So this week I am a counselor for 9 junior highers and they are seriously one of the talkative/diverse/sleep deprived group of boys I've seen. The cabin I have are the kids that either don't have a youth pastor or just don't have enough male counselors from their church here. To sum it up... on the first night with them, most of them went to bed around 1:30am but for some reason they felt the urge to wake up at 3am and leave the cabin. I rounded them up and slept from 4-5:30am because they all woke up at 5:30. Either I'm getting old and need more sleep or they are insanely able to sleep only three hours a night and still retain energy throughout the day. Regardless, these guys are really fun and I'm excited to see what happens this week. 

Last night we played this game... (correction), we fought in a battle. They pretty much gave everyone pool noodles, nerf rockets, and dodge balls to beat the heck out of each other for an hour straight. It was a counselor's dream come true. hehe.

Sometimes you just "got to go!" (if you know what i mean). We had to make a bathroom stop at this gas station and according to Lindsay, it was the worst she's ever seen. This Chevron = Sketchy to the MAX

On Sunday night (a.k.a. our last night of freedom before we get our counselor game face on, we all went out to Red Robbin. As I am at the opposite end of the table from Jordan, the waitress comes over to me and a few others and quietly whispers, "we'll bring out the desert for the birthday boy at the end of table as soon as we can gather all of the waiters for a birthday song." Meanwhile, I had no idea our table planned such a witty scheme on our epic leader Jordan Lawrence Frye. He was embarrassed/stoked that we just scored a free Chocolate Sunday. 

This is Buffy. She slept with me on sunday night. Think Mr. Bigglesworth/Clydesdale horse haircut. 

Mark and I taking artsy pictures. 

Keep it real amigos. I have some videos on the way. 

Get excited. Stay tuned.



Anonymous said...

garrett, im really excited for you. it sounds like youre enjoying life. i would love to be in your shoes!

andrew said...

a) this post made me laugh.

b) i definitely had those boys last year.

c) the finger blaster war was probably the best night of the summer last year.

d) keep these blogs rolling.

praying for endurance and strength in that dang heat!

p.s. me encanta Viva la Vida mucho.

Lauren said...

okay first of all gare?!? since when hahaha.

second, this was funny...made me laugh. dont you just LOVE junior highers?

and third...im still jealous of you and what you are doing =]]]]

Justin Cowan said...

The Picture of Jordan makes me miss him so much!

One thing about him and I, we love our ice cream and it reminds me of this one time when, J and I made these big shakes and we ate them and then he got up and opened the freezer, and I asked "what are you doing?" and he responded "im making another one, you want one?"...this is why I love him.

p.s. garrett, you are a great blogger.

Justin Cowan