Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Great Adventure

I was never really a fan of Steven Curtis Chapman but way back in the '90s, he wrote a song entitled "The Great Adventure." As cheesy as this song is, our band has fully embraced it. In fact, today marked the day that Transparent would depart from Point Loma Nazarene University and finally see the rubble meet the road after 2 1/2 weeks of training and practice. So, as we were driving away... I managed to grab The Great Adventure off of iTunes since it is a must for the road as we embark on a pretty fun journey. 

check out how incredibly cheesy this video is while paying close attention to its greatness... 

It's been quite a long day. Jordan and I finally have our Class B licenses and are owning that fact that we can drive a bus. Speaking of buses, our's pretty rad looking. That's all I have to say about that. The last few days have been filled with Frozen Yogurt runs, shopping for attire that is acceptable according to old ladies on a sunday morning at church services in nowhereville, and preparing mentally when on the road and spiritually when discipling junior highers and high schoolers that, to be completely honest, aren't much younger than me. That will be a fun challenge. hint, hint... if you pray, that would be a huge pray request that I God could use me even though I feel young. 

On to a lighter subject, tonight we ate "the best BBQ restaurant" in San Diego called Phil's BBQ. Yes, you can quote me on that. 

We drove from SD to some hotel near Six Flags Magic Mountain. Tomorrow we're off the Beautiful Bakersfield. Yeah! We're really excited though for our first stop on the road. Here are some pictures of my week: 

First Church in San Diego. 

Last sunday night, I drove to Pasadena to surprise my girlfriend when she came home from Thailand and I took this picture on the way up. There is no better drive than the 5 freeway my friends.

This was taken before our commissioning service on tuesday night in the rec room at loma. 

It's late and I'm tired but hope you're all well. Thanks for reading! 


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