Monday, July 21, 2008


Hi friends.

I haven't had wifi the last few days so it's been impossible to blog since camp but it went really well! We were so blessed by everything that happened and feel like God is opening our eyes to see powerful things happen in the church.

I'm in porterville (north of Backersfield) right now. We played at porterville first church of the nazarene today three times and it was very encouraging to be around those people. Lots of point Loma alumni there who have a huge impact on Plnu still today so it was rad knowing who does all of the behind the scenes stuff to make it function

We saw batman tonight! Good stuff. Not ready to tell y'all about it but it's worth ten bucks.

I'm writing from my iPhone and super tired right now. I'm driving the bus up the mountain that take about two hours to climb in that thing so I need some rest. Please pray for our safety!

I promise to write a HUGE blog next weekend when we are in Yuba City! Tons of pictures to share!


1 comment:

Regeneration said...

I'm stoked to say that for once we are ahead of the game... we saw Batman not Sunday night but SATURDAY night. I think we inspired you... also, our blog is freshly updated. YESSSS.... muahahahahahaha! :)

Love you guys!