Friday, July 4, 2008

It's been a while, I know, I'm sorry.

First of all, Happy Forth! 
Goal on Independence Day: Light off as many fireworks as you possibly can but make sure at the end of the day, you can come back to you mother with all limbs intact. 

So I hope you all enjoyed our spin of The Great Adventure. I haven't had internet connection until now so here's a big blog to make up for it! 

This past week we've been in Coolidge, AZ. Average temperature for the week, 110 degrees. It was warm indeed. Despite that, we met some incredible people there who were such a blessing to us. While we were there, we played worship for church and youth events, helped with VBS, played sports with kids in the community, and helped with various service projects. Some individually really stuck out to me that I will always remember. God moved in powerful ways, which was so cool to see even in the smallest of towns. 

So here we are. I'm currently sitting in an apartment... where? yep, you guessed it... only my favorite place on earth... Point Loma. We came back to rest for Forth of July before we head out on Saturday for Yucca Valley, CA. The moment we pulled on campus, we stopped the bus by the chapel and all got out to stare off into the ocean as the cool breeze graced our sun scorched bodies from the desert of hellish temperatures. Ok, that might sound a little extreme but if anyone was excited to be home, it was definitely me. 

Oh by the way, I should let you in on our secret obsession. Lost (the TV show) has become a love of ours for the 5 weeks we've been together now and I'm secure with myself enough to say that I'm close to addicted to this television phenomena. Now let's be honest, I NEVER watch TV but for some reason, watching this first season on dvds has been quite the experience. Season II, Here we come (thanks to our good friend Travis who is letting us borrow it on the road).

I thought I'd throw in some oldies but goodies and some not so oldie but still good...

Shelby tries to copy me a lot. 

The Arizona Camp Crew. We love 'em. 

Starbucks owns the earth. 

Garrett, Mark, and his wooden arm. 

Transparent Apparel. 

J on stage at Arizona Camp.

Jordan walking to the battlefield of death. (read two blogs below)

The Creator of this earth knew what He was doing when he made these mountains. 

Gas stations and bathroom breaks are becoming our best friend on these long trips. 

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